Daily Java: There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
(Proverbs 6:16-19)
The Lord is a God of love who loves us and wants the best for us. However, there are things that he hates.
The things that we hate show a lot about us and our character. In the same way, the things God hates show us how he feels about life in general.
He hates the arrogance of looking at others as if you were so much better than the rest. I suppose that nothing gets me irritated more than the arrogance of someone who just thinks he is better than the common here. I see a lot of people like that that are trying to gain control of our nation, people who feel they are intellectually elite and better that the rest. “That old gnostic idea comes out. I am telling you this for your own good, and when you get to know as much as me, you will understand.” God hates it and, quite frankly, so do I.
He hates lying. After all, the devil began with a lie and is the father of lies (John 8:44). Lying is direct contravention of the will and nature of God. You cannot lie and be in God’s will.
He hates murder. Capital punishment was always used by God in the Old Testament, but only when God felt it was deserved. Innocent blood is another thing.
He hates always scheming to get ahead at the expense of others. The Bible never speaks directly to gambling, but it always felt to me like trying to take what someone else has and get it for your own. Saying to God in essence, you have not given me enough, I am going to try to get other people’s money, too.
He hates the ease with which people do wrong. There doesn’t appear to be any remorse from so many who do things that are against the law, or ethically wrong. It shows a lack of character and caring about what is good.
He hates the telling of stories about others designed to hurt them. Malicious gossip fits in here, something that serves no other purpose than to tear down. The grace of God builds up. Christians cannot tear down.
He hates dissension. He mentions this is the book of Proverbs almost more than anything else. No one can stir up dissension and claim to be from God. All tearing down of the body of Christ is from the devil and no matter how you may try to portray it, it is a sin. One cannot be in the Spirit and spread dissension. It is impossible. 1 Corinthians 5 even goes so far as to say that if someone slanders a brother to cause dissension, you don’t even eat with him.
God loves the sinner, but he hates the sin. Don’t do these things.
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