java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I want any of you out there to know that I plan to use John’s blog here as a sort of journaling place for myself. I was John’s wife for 42 years and I know he wouldn’t mind my taking it over. My name is Ella.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

9-3-13 2:22p.m.
Don’t know if this will get through or not. It is just about the most “normal” day I have had since Johnny’s death. I am in my own place today doing normal things in a new home – like hanging pictures and curtains.  All these things are things Johnny always did. Then to top if all off K-Love keeps playing the worship songs we shared like “I Can Only Imagine” and “Bless the Lord O My Soul”. I think it is the hardest day I have had since he died. 
God, please help me through this part of my life. It is not something that I really want to do by myself. I know you are here but I am so lonely.