java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Romans 9: God's Sovereign Choice and Israel's Unbelief

We are studying the book of Romans on Wednesday nights. This is our outline for tonight. Use it for your own study if you wish. May it be good and bring you closer to God.
Romans 9: God's Sovereign Choice and Israel's Unbelief

Let’s go back over the book so far and see what was talked about:
- Chapter 1:1-16 – Paul introduces himself and his position in the kingdom
- Chapter 1:17-3:31 – the need for everyone to know God and how it is the most natural thing to do so.
- Chapter 4 – an example of great faith leading to grace.
- Chapter 5 –  the two sons of God, Adam (Luke 3:38) and Jesus, and how one brought death and the other brought life into the world.
- Chapter 6 –  who we serve in our lives.
- Chapter 7 – the problem of trying to do it all ourselves.
- Chapter 8 – that great chapter on the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and grace.

Chapters 9-11 go in a different direction, one that is almost odd. He leaves the discussion of faith and grace as opposed to works and law and talks about how it is we come into Jesus. He says that we are adopted. Where once the people of God – the Jews – were natural born now we are all, Jew and Gentile alike, adopted.

He also makes a big point out of the fact that it was not so unusual for God to make another choice as to who would be his people. He did that with Abraham’s sons (Isaac was chosen over Ishmael and Eliezar), he did it with Isaac’s sons, he did it with others. He is doing it again.

1. Again in vv1-4, Paul wants us to know that he is speaking truth. You can tell that it is from his heart when he writes that he would die for his fellow Jews. Do you feel that strongly about anyone?
2. He does make mention in v6 that it is not the word of God that failed. Why would he say that? Who would think it did?
3. Not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. A rather odd comment. What do you think that means? (cf Galatians 3:29)
4. Why do you think God waited until Abraham and Sarah were so old before he started their family?
5. V8 The children of the promise. Who do you think that was? Who is it today?
6. I will have mercy on whom I have mercy. Does that mean that God can do what he wants regardless of how we feel or what we need? Can you really blame Pharaoh for just being used by God for his purposes?
7. In v25, Paul says that God changed his people. Those who were not became the sons of God. The orphans became the heirs. How does this make you feel? Does it matter to you?
8. V27 Only the remnant will be saved. Who are the remnant?
9. V29 gives a good reason God finally gave Abraham a real son. What was it?
10. Vv30-32 – the harder Israel tried, the further away God became. The Gentiles did nothing yet God blessed them. Why do you think this is so?
11. Jesus is called a stumbling block. Why do you think?

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