java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Monday, August 29, 2011

it has occurred to me that as a nation we are rapidly becoming wimps

It has occurred to me that as a nation we are rapidly becoming wimps.

The furor over Hurricane Irene has been just plain stupid.

I was raised on coastal Texas, in Freeport in particular. We went through a number of hurricanes in my life. We left town for only one. One. That one was Hurricane Carla, a category five hurricane in 1961.

Even then we didn’t go far, just to southwest Houston. Just far enough to get out of the main danger.

For the most part, we would sit through the hurricane doing various things. When the electricity went out, we would light lanterns and candles and have fun listening to the wind and rain. My mother was very inventive during hurricanes.

All our neighbors did too. And I never knew one single person to get hurt by them.

In fact, in 1983, I went out into Hurricane Alicia and stood for a while in the 100 mile an hour winds just to see what it was like.

My father worked for the light company in the greater Houston area and had to work all during the storms to keep the lights on and to keep things from getting too bad.

I suppose one of the reasons we may not have gone far was because he was still around and my mother didn’t want to leave him. I don’t know. But I do know that my wife would be reluctant to leave me in the same situation.

But the thing is, we sat them out.

Today there is the Weather Channel and CNN. They are on 24 hours a day and need news and weather to keep going. So they will manufacture any emergency they can to get viewers.

To see them gibbering at some little category two storm is pathetic. And in their gibbering, all they do is scare people. And people are ready for some reason to be scared.

It has turned the nation into a bunch of wimps.

The people of New York were ready to see bodies floating face down in the river that had been Fifth Avenue, according to one correspondent. They barely had any rain.

The mayor of New York, a wimp and control freak himself, ordered everybody out (as if people had extra places to go like rich mayors). His comment afterwards was that nothing much happened, that was true. But he would do it again if it saved a life.

What he has done is magnify false emergencies. When real emergencies come, and they will, people will pay no attention. People will be in trouble because those in charge are idiots.

We seem to have become a nation of idiots, running scared at every little thing that happens. Every pill that has been tampered with, every vegetable that has a mark on it that could be something bad, every little storm – sooner or later we become either scared to death or uncaring.

We have lost all perspective. Thanks to people like the mayor of New York and Al Gore with his Global Foolishness and others, we are running all different directions acting like major idiots.

Whatever happened to American self-reliance? To American ingenuity? To bravery in the “home of the brave?”

I mourn our passing as a great nation. There will be nothing worth having when it is gone.

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the flooding, I think that part at least is pretty bad, but yes the rest is a lot of hip.

    Terry Stair


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