When David and his men saw the ruins and realized what had happened to their families, they wept until they could weep no more. David’s two wives, Ahinoam from Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of Nabal from Carmel, were among those captured. David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the Lord his God. (1 Samuel 30:3-6)David and his men were on the run from King Saul, who wanted to kill him. They had been out of town and had just returned in time to find out that their camp had been raided.
His men are mad. It wasn’t David’s fault but they feel the need to blame someone and David was in charge. So that made him their target.
It is easy to blame someone for something. It really doesn’t matter whether or not it was their fault or if they could have even done anything to stop it. Sometimes people feel the need to blame someone.
A few years ago there was an military accident. I don’t remember all the particulars, but, needless to say, the Air Force began casting about for someone to blame. They finally settled on a colonel who oddly enough had the same last name as I do. That is why I remember it so well.
It was finally decided that it was all his fault and they reprimanded him with a court martial and other stuff.
It was so obviously a put-up job. They had a problem, they needed a scapegoat and the man got to be the scapegoat. Even though he could not have done much to cause or stop the things that happened, it was all his fault. They could say they found the root of the problem and it would never happen again.
Same here with David. He could not have stopped it. If they had been there, they could have fought. But the guys who were mad at David had willingly followed David to where he went. So it was their fault, too.
They were just mad and wanted something or someone upon whom to vent their anger. It really didn’t matter if he was at fault or not. As far as they were concerned, it was all his fault and they were ready to kill him.
Many a pastor has been blamed for things that were not in his control simply because he was the pastor. And he and his family have been hurt as a result. The church has also been hurt, if for no other reason than that they allowed their emotions to hurt someone.
The next time something happens, look a little more closely and check things out before you blame someone for something. This Air Force pilot had his life ruined in order to be officially at blame. And David could have been dead. If he had died, Jesus would not have come. It was, after all, David’s line the Messiah came through.
Be careful.
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