java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

being blessed in sharing

Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. (Hebrews 13:15-16 NLT)
We were out driving around this afternoon. There is really nothing to see in Lincoln. This is Nebraska and for the most part, everybody passed through here on their way to somewhere else.

Only the ones who broke down stayed.

The mall was closed today on account of Easter. After I got bored of looking at all the “scenery”, and we had gone into a large WalMart and looked around, I decided to stop at a couple of grocery stores.

Grocery shopping is a sort of hobby to me. Grocery prices are at a horrible high, yet we have a full stocked freezer and pantry. There are few things we need. The reason is my method of shopping.

I have written before about how I go into a store in the mall. I am a hunter. I view the surrounding countryside and if something looks good, I go and shoot it. I am not interested in getting up close and personal with all of the clothing in the mall like Ella is. I am tall and can look over all the racks to see if there is something good worth shooting. Ella likes to finger everything and check out everything. Not me.

Yet I have bought all of Ella’s clothing and she is quite classically stylish. As I said before, if left to her, she would still dress as she did in 1978. So it is up to me to keep her up to date.

The same goes for grocery shopping. I have a route in all stores, even the ones I have not yet been to.

In general, the layout is the same, maybe reversed, but other wise alike. You go into the produce section first. This is usually to the right. The bigger WalMart we went into today was to the left. Threw me off completely.

But I managed.

In the grocery stores, I go through the produce just casting a casual eye. Unless I have been there much, I do not look much at the produce. If I have been in there a lot and know what they have, I go to that section and see if it is on sale. One store has good bell peppers and onions. Another has good jalapenos and passilla peppers (kind of like Poblano peppers).  Others have their strengths.

But I go through there first. I rarely buy anything in those sections unless they are a great price. The funny thing is, the way I shop, I see a lot of good things like that. Again, the hunting/overview way of looking.

Next is the meat. I look for marked-down stuff. We have bought almost all of our meat on marked-down sales. Today, for instance, I got ground chuck for $1.29, an almost unbelievable price. I also got a good deal on Cheddarwurst sausages.

I do such a good job that I no longer feel the need to buy any more meat. I only get it if it is just too good to pass by – like the hamburger today.

Then I go by the cheese, both shredded and block. Most stores will have $1 cheese on occasion, the 8 ounce packages, maybe $1.29. If it is, I buy a lot – maybe ten packages. I can always freeze the shredded stuff (but not the block kind – nothing worse than a block of thawed out cheese). We use a lot of cheese in our entertaining, so I need it.

Then I go through the rest of the dairy and buy sour cream on sale, cottage cheese, cream cheese, etc. However, only if they are on sale at about $1 a tub. I also look for good buys on butter. I like the real stuff and it freezes fine. The rest doesn’t, but we use an awful lot of it.

I pass through the bakery section, but rarely get anything there. If there are samples, I will get some for me and Ella, but otherwise, I don’t find much. I did find 98 cent whole wheat buns the other day. Bought two packages. They freeze fine.

I end up around the center aisle, where all of the specials are located. I check on a few things we use a lot of: mayonnaise, salad dressing, etc.

I rarely ever spend much, but it is amazing what I find like this. As I said, I have filled two refrigerator freezer compartments with meat.

We do a lot of entertaining. It is one of the gifts God gave us and we do it. We have always tried our best to feed people. Since we do, the Lord has blessed us with a lot of food.

As long as I do not count it and all, we keep a lot. Once I counted it and tallied the amounts on the freezer door. We got down to almost nothing. I repented and since then, I look at what we have, but I am careful not to count it.

As you recall in the Bible, King David counted Israel and God punished him for his pride (2 Samuel 24). Kind of the same thing happened to us on a much smaller scale, of course. God gives us the stuff, pride does not.

It is odd that grocery shopping is a hobby, but it is. And it has been a fruitful one. The bacon for 99 cents a pound, the hamburger patties for $1a pound, the sirloin steak for $1.99 a pound, other things.

It is all from him. And as long as we share it, the freezer stays full. Occasionally, we even tithe it to someone else, bless someone else with our abundance. It is easy for people to get canned goods when they are down, but it is hard to get good meat.

That is our ministry. And it is my hobby.

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