java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a nihilist culture

I was at WalMart today and some things occurred to me.

I mean, it wasn’t an epiphany or anything like that. Just occurred to me.

One was that so many people today, young, old, well-off and poor are fat.

If you get to noticing, it can be depressing.

When I was young, back in the 60’s, most kids were normal build. You had the occasional fat kid, but they were not that common.

I was a fat kid for a long time. when I got to be a teenager, I wasn’t thin, but by today’s standards, I was.

Looking at people in the store, it is a rare occurrence to see a person who is thin, or even normal. Those who are thin almost stand out. What was once commonplace, is now rare.

It comes from a lot of things, I suppose. But the most common thing is the fact that people, especially kids, do not do anything anymore.

PE is non-existent in schools. Kids do not exercise. When I was in High School, we had daily PE with exercises and running and stuff and then we would shower.

In today’s culture, the idea of guys showering together has an ugly tinge to it, and who wants to go through the day smelling to high heaven.

Besides that, exercising is competitive, and someone might lose. Since everybody has to win today, you can’t do that.

So the kids are fat.

Add to that the fast food culture and the fact that everybody eats all the time. Everything they eat is high fat and calorie laden. Instead of the small Cokes we drank, people drink 44 oz high sugar drinks.

I know that things were always better when we were young. The world was rounder and better and stuff like that.

But in this case, it is true. The people in the movie Wall-E were very fat. And that is how we are heading.

I recognize that I am not a poster child for a lean America, but still.

The second is the amount of tattoos. It is sad to see our young people so defaced. There will be one day when they will regret it and there will be some very rich dermatologists.

One young woman had several tattoos in various places almost at random on her upper body. None of them made any real sense. It was almost as if she had just gotten a tattoo package of small tattoos and had them “just put anywhere.”

Half the people, it seemed had at least a tattoo on their leg.

A defaced culture.

And a fat culture.

A nihilist culture, it seems.

These are sad things to see. Where is our country headed?

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