java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Friday, November 5, 2010

my wife is gone

So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her. (Genesis 29:20)

My wife is off at a women’s conference hosted by the Foursquare Church in Wichita. She will be gone until Sunday afternoon. If is astonishing how much I miss her.

It is times like this that I think about how much I love her. She is the center of my life and my true love. That always sounded trite when people said that before, but it is absolutely true.

And after almost 40 years of marriage, it becomes even stronger each day.

Without her the house is empty. I realize that it is the same house, but without her presence, the heart is gone.

When I was younger, I told Ella that I would probably bring a date to her funeral, that I did not want to live alone. We laughed about that. Or at least I did. I think she did too.

But as I get older, I am not sure I could marry again. I love her and we are phenomenally comfortable together, in a way that is only gained by a long time of association in love. We have grown together in many ways. Both of us left our life church at the same time and she has followed me everywhere I have gone. She has been my companion, my lover, my friend. She has been all that a wife should be, all that God intended wives to be.

When God made Eve, he made a companion for the man. As I have said so many times in wedding ceremonies, she was not made from his feet, to be under him. She was not made from his head to be over him. She was made from his side to be with him, to be beside him, to be his companion.

Add to that the romantic element of marriage and you have got something great.

Love to a husband and wife is more than sexual, it is more than just hanging around together. They are really one flesh.

Ella has always been one flesh with me. She has been my friend, my counselor, my student, my teacher, my critic, my admirer. And I have been with her too.

When we met, she was going to go to Christian college to find a missionary. Instead she found me, much to her parents chagrin. They did not feel I was worthy of her, and I agree with them. I wasn’t. she loved me anyway and made me, if I am anything at all, what I am.

I just wish I could give her more. I love her. And I miss her.

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