java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

cataract surgery

Ella had her cataract surgery this week and two things occurred to me.

First is the speed with which a surgical procedure was done that only a few years ago was a major procedure.

She went in at 7:30 and was out at 9:15. They chopped on her eye and put in a new lens and all that stuff and it took less than 2 hours. Astonishing. And she can already see a lot better than before.

In the old days, you would be flat on your back for a week at least and then have to wear those coke bottle bottom glasses. Ella’s dad had one of the newer style (in the 70’s, at least) that wrapped around a little. But you knew that those people had had cataract surgery.

Not now. She isn’t supposed to lift anything heavy and can’t bend over or stuff like that for a couple of weeks. But still, amazing.

The second thing was a wheelchair I used to carry her to the Omega Surgical Center (impressive, isn’t it?). It was an uncomfortable piece of junk that had, of all things, a brake on the handle like the ones on newer lawnmowers.

You know, the one that you always have to wire or duct tape closed so you can mow without all that hassle.

The wheelchair was not only ignorant and stupid looking, it was also uncomfortable, hard to get into and out of, and very inconvenient. We have come to know wheelchairs in the past few years, and this one was dumb.

It is not as if wheelchairs go out of control and people smash into walls and run over others’ feet, causing amputations and such.

It was a foolish and useless safety device that somebody paid a fat lot of money for.

As I tried to push her in it, it made it hard to get through some of the doors since you had to hold the handle closed. I thought about our “safety-conscious” world.

People are scared to death of everything. And do you know why?

Because God is not in their lives. Without God in your life, you are scared of everything and you will buy anything you think will keep you safe.

And of course, there are people to sell the stuff.

With God, there is confidence, and a spirit not of fear (2 Timothy 1:7).

She has such beautiful eyes. I am grateful to the doctors and the technology.

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