java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

getting a salary again

Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve their pay. (Luke 10:7)
For several years, I have labored at works underpaid and in virtual poverty. The Assemblies of God, along with the Foursquare Church have impoverished us. And at times what money we got was begrudged.

We lived for a year and a half on $650 a month. Occasionally we got a little more, but that is all we could count on. Even so, we fed people and were hospitable. We gave all we could and continued to work in ministry, although it was unpaid. We really and truly hurt financially.

Yet we kept on. We continued to minister and to work with the church. I did more there for no pay than I was allowed to do at other churches for what pay I got.

Yet we kept on.

This church opened up and invited us to come. Since we have been here, we have been warmly received and people seem to be happy we are here. But we went through the last month with little pay. We received Ella’s check and the small retirement check I am sent, and one check a couple of weeks ago.

It had to be wrapped up for the business meeting, so last night I went over and talked to the other elder about what my salary was to be. All of a sudden, they realized that they had not paid me. So they gave me a check. Now today, they gave me another. It seems that no matter which way I turn now, sometimes gives me another check.

I feel rich. In my pocket is several hundred dollars. Since we cannot get a debit card for a while, I have been carrying around cash. Now tomorrow I will go and cash yet another check. I plan to keep some cash at the house for emergencies.

The point is that I feel wealthy. I am merely getting what I have gotten in the past, but in comparison to my poverty, it is wealth.

The apostle Paul said that he knew how to live in both plenty and little. I have lived with the little for entirely too long.

Now I have to figure out how to live with the plenty. I can be a fool and spend it or I can save it for what we need in the future. Maybe investments, maybe CD’s or something. We have been getting by on nothing for so long that we do not need much. But it seems I have much

I have already spent too much, but as Ella pointed out, all we have done is get what we have needed for a while. We just have not been able to buy the things, the necessities we needed. We have done without.

I think we are about caught up. We have Christmas coming and we plan to get a few things we want to get for our children, but in general, we are not going to overspend.

It feels good to be normal again after so long. I am employed and I am getting a paycheck and I am where people love me.

I want to be effective and be worthy of my pay. I praise the Lord.

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