java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Monday, March 29, 2010

praise God anyway

I bought new blinds for the house. It is amazing at how something so simple can just brighten up a room. They cost probably three and a half each but look so good.

I am a fan of mini-blinds and cannot for the life of me figure out why the designers on HGTV hate them so much. They brighten a room, add privacy and, I believe, just look good. Especially when coupled with some nice looking curtains.

Some of our art is on the wall now and the place is starting to look like our home. The cat has even found a couple of places to sit and look out the window. A few more days and he can go outside. Even though he is neutered and declawed and all, he still loves to go outside.

Mordecai is his name and he is about 12 or more now. I keep forgetting. But of course his mama remembers exactly how old he is. After all, he is Ella’s kitty. He is a handsome cat, tuxedo kind of cat, black with white markings like a shirt under a tuxedo.

I suppose tuxedos are rapidly going out. The ones I see in the stores are full of color and now have long ties, which look dumb with a tuxedo. But then again, I am not a young man. I prefer the old kind with white shirts and black ties, or maybe colored ties with a colored cummerbund to match.

Goes to show you. Just because you like something doesn’t mean others will or that it is necessarily good.
Same goes with church. I like obnoxious rock and roll, others like country, others traditional. Some just like to gripe, of course. No matter what you did, they wouldn’t like it.

But the Lord is good and I am glad I am a preacher. My prayer is that the church will recognize my heart and know that when I disagree with them, it is not because I am mean or nasty. It is normal because we are all flawed humans. If you knew my flaws you would be amazed at how someone so stupid could be in the ministry.

But then again, that was the way in the Bible with all of God’s great people. Abraham was a liar, Elijah was suffering from depression and lack of trust, King David couldn’t keep his hands off other women, same with his kid, Solomon, Peter, James and John had bad tempers, Paul was overly judgmental – every person in the Bible had a flaw that would have ruined them if God had not been in control.

That is the key: God is in control. When he called me, he knew how I was. It was no surprise. And yet he called me to do what I do anyway. I trust him to work through me and maybe by the time I die, some of these problems will be under control.

Until then, I trust him and hope that those around me will see my heart when they see me.

They won’t, of course. Some will only see what they want to see, and judge accordingly. And will even make up stuff if they have to. It is the way things go.

Praise God anyway.

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