Now, however, Israel is led by drunksThe picture would be a funny one if it were not so serious. A bunch of drunks who are leading another bunch of drunks are mad because they are not taken seriously by the rest of the world or by the Lord.
who reel with wine and stagger with alcohol.
The priests and prophets stagger with alcohol
and lose themselves in wine.
They reel when they see visions
and stagger as they render decisions.
Their tables are covered with vomit;
filth is everywhere.
“Who does the Lord think we are?” they ask.
“Why does he speak to us like this?
Are we little children,
just recently weaned?
He tells us everything over and over—
one line at a time,
one line at a time,
a little here,
and a little there!” (Isaiah 28:7-10)
“You know, we are grown men. He thinks he has to tell us everything again and again.”
It is a bit like Jesus’ comment about the blind leading the blind. So ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a ditch (Matthew 15:14).
The bad thing about these people is that they think they are normal. But they are not.
In a world where the morally bankrupt lead, where the liars and thieves are considered leadership material, where those whose lives are completely off kilter are made role models and guides, it is no wonder the people suffer.
The only way that the Kingdom of God could endure was if it was based on One who was perfect, who never did anything wrong. And the only person who could have done that was one from God.
If God had based his church, his faith process on anyone else than Jesus, it would have fallen quickly. Even Abraham, the father of the faithful, the one who stands as the beginning point of all the children of God, was a moral failure if you look at his life wanting perfection. At one point, out of fear for his life, he lied about whether or not he was married to Sarah. Not a big thing, but it does tend to show a real character flaw.
King David, a massive figure in the Old Testament, couldn’t keep his hands off women who were not his wife and even killed a man to hide an affair.
I could go on, but the point is, if you make your faith dependent on a person, no matter how good that person is or was, you are making it on a shaky foundation. Sooner or later, a flaw will emerge and when it does, it will shake the foundation of your faith.
If nothing else, the people in the past are dead. In John 8, those around Jesus kept bragging about the fact that they were children of Abraham. Jesus’ comment: Abraham is dead. Yes he was a great man. But he is gone. For a church to truly prosper, it must have a living leader.
And it must have a leader who is capable of leading. Those who are not capable of leading should not lead.
The only real leader is Jesus. He alone is the one capable of being the foundation of our faith.
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