And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God said:I do not believe in interfaith prayer meetings. I cannot see any way that I can pray together with a group of people who worship a different God. Or who, in worshiping God, do so in a way that negates Jesus.
“I will live in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God.
And they will be my people.”
Therefore, come out from unbelievers,
And separate yourselves from them, says the Lord.
Don’t touch their filthy things,
And I will welcome you.
And I will be your Father,
And you will be my sons and daughters,
Says the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:16-18)
If you believe in the Bible as the divinely inspired written word of God, you have to accept what the Bible says. And the Bible plainly says that Jesus is the only way to heaven, the only way to God. Acts 4:12 says There is salvation is on one else. God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.
That means you either believe in Jesus as the Son of God, as the way to God, or you do not come to God.
That also means that you I do not have anything spiritually in common with Jews or Muslims or New Age practitioners. I do not pray to the same God. And, again, if they are not praying to Jehovah God, the God Almighty, do not pray with them.
There has been a big move lately to combine everyone in prayer services, to show diversity. The problem is, in God there is no divine diversity. Yes, there are a lot of ways to come to Jesus. He is the center of a multi-faceted stone, but he is the only center. There are no others.
When it comes to praying to God or believing in God, the is one God and Jehovah is his name. There is one God and Jesus Christ is his only Son. There are no others, no matter how tolerant we want to be.
This verse was used a lot in one denomination I was acquainted with to encourage people to leave a church they felt was not completely right and form another. They were to “come out” of the church that might have some error and form the one true church. In other words, it was used to encourage division.
You can give just a cursory glance at Proverbs and Psalms and others and you can tell that God hates division. He always says work in the situation. Do not divide it. In fact, he never gives authorization in his word to tear a congregation of believers up for any reason.
But it does say, don’t hang around with unbelievers. Do not marry them, do not get into business partnerships with them, do not entangle your life with theirs. It will only lead to grief.
After all, as a Christian you have nothing in common with them.
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