As dead flies cause even a bottle of perfume to stink,I had a girlfriend in high school named Susan. She and I were hitting it off. We were at a choir thing one day when an older woman told me that she thought the girls were all over me, or something to that effect. I don’t know why she said that. I was never a Casanova or anything like that.
So a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honor. (Ecclesiastes 10:1)
I turned to Susan and said, in a loud and clear voice, Ha! What do you think about that?
What she thought was that she thought she would leave.
I ruined that budding relationship with stupid words. And I have always had the ability to do that. And I hate it.
For some reason, foolish things will leap from my lips at the most inopportune times. It has always been that way. As I have said before, it is probably only the fact that I am as big as I am that kept someone from beating me up.
I can go through life and see times when my mouth closed would have a been a great thing.
The old saying, keep quiet and people may think you are a fool; open your mouth and remove all doubt.
It was said of George Washington that he was a big man who sat with mouth firmly closed. You sit with your mouth firmly closed and one thing for sure: you don’t way stupid things.
There are stupid things I have said that almost haunt me. it was almost as if I had a self-destruct mechanism built in, ready to kill any wisdom I might show.
The best perfume in the world is made bad by having dead flies in it. Lay a roach in the middle of a gourmet meal and no one wants it. In my estimation, a pretty girl who lights up a cigarette looks remarkably less appealing to me. one who curses too. Your favorite shirt with a small unremovable spot on it. An expensive Waechtersbach bowl with a tiny chip in the rim. Anything nice is hurt by being messed up by even a small thing.
How people view you is delicate. They can view you as a fool or as a smart person. The fool says stupid things at inappropriate times. The smart person keeps quiet a lot.
The fool goes on at length to tell everyone how smart he is, or how experienced or anything like that. The smart person will let people find out what he knows.
And if you know a lot, sooner or later, people will know.
Because you can take the roach out of the dinner, but no one wants it now. You can take the flies out of the perfume, but it smells bad. things are easy to ruin and very hard to repair.
That deal with Susan was the first indication that I talked too much. Doing radio Daily Java: work, that ability was helpful. A Daily Java: has a lot of air-time to fill and people want to hear funny stuff.
She wanted a boyfriend who was funny – girls love guys who make them laugh – without being stupid. Nobody likes a stupid guy.
The key is to shut up.
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You are welcome to say anything you want as long as it is nice. If I don't like it, or it is ugly, I will take it off, place it into the garbage disposal, grind it up, and allow it to be flushed into the Gulf of Mexico where it will be eaten by a fish and then excreted where it will lie on the bottom of the ocean until it is covered up by other comments.