I will make boys their leaders, and toddlers their rulers.Israel had come to the place in time that God was through with it. Their society had decayed to the point that even the Lord felt they were beyond redemption.
People will oppress each other – man against man,
neighbor against neighbor.
Young people will insult their elders,
And vulgar people will sneer at the honorable. (Isaiah 3:4-5 NLT)
Children ruled, everybody took advantage of each other, there was no respect for age and fools thought themselves superior to wise people.
Sounds like America.
I read another article on the web yesterday in which a young female movie star was telling her interviewers that the problem with a lot of people was that they were ignorant. If they would just ask her, she could tell them a lot. Her main point? Conservatives are conservative because they just do not look at things right. They have not read the right books.
This girl has very few brains and yet she considers herself to be an expert.
Lawsuits abound, people trying to one up each other. Try to cut into a line of cars and see what happens. Someone will kill him- or herself getting of the checkout line so they can be in front of you. People take offense at the most trivial things and “demand” apologies. Demand is a big word now, as if we had that right. Older people are considered the least valuable members of our country and people, who in any other culture would be sweeping floors, are serving in high office.
What does all that mean? It means we are coming to the place where God is going to get rid of us unless we do something.
There comes a cancer into every country sooner or later. It comes from being settled and confident in its own ability and when that cancer comes, it begins to be eaten from the inside out. What is important becomes secondary, and what is trivial becomes of massive importance.
When we stop being concerned about morals and become overly concerned about ecology, we have lost out way. When we cease being concerned about honor and become concerned about rights, we have lost our way. When we cease to be concerned about truth and become concerned about what we want, we have lost our way.
And when we lose our way, we lose God.
The Lord will not take a thumb in the eye for long. His will shall be done and it will be done when he wants it done.
Israel died as a nation. The nation today posing as Israel is not the same nation that God blessed, no matter what anyone says. It is not a Godly nation, but rather a collection of culturally similar people.
God took that nation out of the world. and he has taken every other one out sooner or later.
He will do the same to America unless we repent and turn.
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