I am sitting in the auditorium at my desk. I moved it out into a corner of the sanctuary and set up an office out here. The office that was used before is now a nursery and the one that replaced it is a corner room with one of the a/c units in it. No window. It is like a cave with a blower. Since I am mildly claustrophobic, it was a trial to do anything in.
Out here on the other hand, it is open and airy. There are two large widows with those up and down blinds, I forget what they’re called, that I can open to where I can see out from the desk, or I can just open up completely. It makes for a nice place to sit and work, read, mess around on the computer, whatever. Since we are a small church right now, it isn’t hard to do.
When we get larger, I’m not sure what I will do, but I like coming to an office, rather than just sitting at home doing stuff. Too many distractions and too much food nearby.
It also gives Ella time away from me. since she is disabled and can’t do a s much as she wants, we tend to sit in the same room a lot. I am sure she gets tired of me.
Outside one window is a large tree and grass and a view of houses. Out of the other is just a view of the parking lot, but it is sunny right now, so that’s nice.
When it rains, the sound of the rain is so pleasant. There is nothing like the sound of the rain on a church roof. Most church roofs are made with no insulation, so you can hear anything that happens on top. Even an acorn falling sounds.
Since I like the church, it makes it even better. It will be nice, however, when I have to move back to the cave or to another building. That will be good.
For now, it is so pleasant in here.
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