Andrew Thomas wrote an article in that was titled Do Liberals Crave A Master? It is a very good article. It starts off with:
“Contemporary liberals, having abandoned the belief in God-given inalienable rights, masochistically crave a worldly master. This master is a sadistic god-substitute who will provide the stern discipline needed to force economic equality and "fairness" by requiring painful sacrifices and bestowing government-created rights onto obedient and acquiescent groups of left-leaning masochists.”
I was thinking that after watching the celebs cozy up to Chavez from Venezuela and Castro and almost worship them, and Woody Allen talking about how nice it would be if Obama were emperor, I think I believe that liberals are desperate for a master.
They have given up God and need someone or something to take his place. Environmentalism is filling that void for some.
The problem is that God made us with a void that can only be filled with him. Liberals are miserable because they have tried to fill that void with everything else.
The things they fill it with are satisfying for the moment but they soon realize that they are empty calories.
It is really like being hungry and eating some Twinkies. For the moment, they are fine, but the hunger is still there. The programs and all feel fine for the moment, but in the long run, they do not fill the hole.
And the knowledge that others do not share their love for these is infuriating because it shows the emptiness for what it is. They see in others the emptiness and instead of admitting it themselves, they castigate the “non-believers.”
They are desperate for a master who is capable of leading them to a promised land. The problem comes when they do not know what the promised land is, nor do they know how to get there or what to do when they do get there.
On top of it all, the leaders have feet of clay and disappoint them with their lack of long-term leadership ability. They find that there is no purpose in life and no one to show them how to get a purpose in the long run.
A sad group of people, denying themselves the pleasures of life in the name of environmentalism or health, trying to deny others those same privileges and miserable anyway.
The comment section had some interesting additions. One of the comments said: “1 Samuel 8:6 ... Give us a king to judge us ... The outcome of all this 'lusting' for a leader will be ... slavery.”
Another said: “Leftists do crave a strong authoritarian leader. They love Castro, Chavez, and other commie leaders, and thousands of them traveled to communist countries to adore the strong man there. Leftists flock to Obama as their "leader". Just why this is I will not guess, but I do know that people who want to be told what to do are not good members of a society ruled by the people.”
Thanks to Dave Carter in for bringing it up. He was writing about something else, but the article he mentioned really hit me.
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