Daily Java: Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7)
You parents said it before you. You probably said it to your kids.
“If you want to be treated like an adult, then act like an adult.”
Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. The only to wise is to act wise. The only way to act wise is to set out to do so. People rarely act wise by accident. They mean to.
Oh, sure, you can mistake some things for wisdom for a while, but sooner or later, it is going to come out.
Someone once said, keep your mouth closed and people may think you a fool. Open it and remove all doubt. You can look wise, but the only real way to be wise is to act it. Think wise things, pursue wise thoughts and actions, don’t run off at the mouth all the time.
One of the worst things in our modern culture and one of the best at the same time is the cell phone. Someone once mentioned that in the old days, fools had to keep their thoughts to themselves when out in public. No more. You can hear some of the stupidest people in the world walking along braying out the most ignorant and profane stuff in the middle of a crowd.
They are talking on the phone. And they do not care who hears it. Their thoughts are unbelievably foolish and I get to hear them in full amplification.
Anybody who carries on a loud conversation with their phone in public is foolish. No one wants to hear about your stuff. No one wants to hear the details of your life.
Though it costs all, get understanding. One of the saddest things is a foolish educated person. He or she is full of knowledge, lots of stuff crammed in to their heads. But no understanding. No ability to translate the knowledge into life skills.
Wisdom is the ability to take knowledge and apply it to life. It comes in all forms. It is the guy who knows all about the machines as opposed to the guy who has a Master’s degree in industrial engineering but has never actually done the stuff. It is the policeman who has been shot at as opposed to the criminology expert. It is the preacher who has been on the front line rather than the theology professor.
Wisdom is also the knowledge about how and when to say things, how and when to do thing. It is something that is not acquired in a classroom or by reading books. It is an ability given by time and work and study, and in the case of living your life to his glory, but the Spirit.
It is worth anything you might have, and everything you have. It is supreme.
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