java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

an old dream

I had a dream last year and just came over the entry in my computer files. I got up at 3:50 that morning and wrote it down so I would remember it.

I believe in dreams and that they tell you a lot, sometimes what it is that God wants you to know. And then sometimes, they are just an overactive imagination. Hard to tell which sometimes. That is a common failing of Pentecostals. Every dream is not a revelation from God. Most are not.

But here the dream is:

I had decided to start a church. When I looked around, there were a lot of people with me to do so. I told them that the church we were to start would be a loud, obnoxious, edgy church.

I preached to them for quite a while about what our vision was. One thing I said was that I had been there and back again, that I had been the gamut of kinds of preacher – religious and otherwise. I had seen the elephant. (not sure if that phrase was in the dream or came afterwards when I had woken up)

During the sermon, there were interruptions, and I would deal with them. This including people talking to each other, and one person, in the middle of the sermon, asking another if there was any way he could seal his Bible shut. He did this quite loudly. I suppose he wanted to make some point. So I finally took him down a ladder from where we were (up on a highway of sorts with our stuff around us) and pointed to town and told him he could find someone to help him there. Then I left him there climbed back up and resumed. I sang, acappella, the song Send the Light.

As I preached, I walked along the group, which was spread out along the highway, yet in town somewhere.

The group I had with me was age wise and racially diverse. It surprised me that they were there with me. In fact, I told someone that I was surprised that someone had followed me in this venture. I don’t remember seeing Ella. But it was an exciting experience.

I know that I will never start a church again, but it sure looked fun.

I do not know what the dream meant. Maybe articulated wishful thinking.

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