Daily Java: "“Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.”- Proverbs 14:22.
My laptop went ballistic this past weekend with a virus. It told me on the one hand, that the computer ws infected. It gave me several files that it said were corrupted. It also wanted me to buy some new anti-virus software, but wouldn’t let me use mine.
Then when I got home it was fine. The only real difference is that I have it wired into the modem here and there it was going wireless.
I do not know why it went bad, and I do not know why it is okay now.
Of course, what I do not know about computers fills books. I am pretty good on a basic level, but beyond that I am dead in the water.
I figured that I would have to come home and wipe it clean, start over with the recovery disk. Then I couldn’t find my recovery disk. I finally just turned it on to see what happened and nothing did. Runs like a top if a top and a computer were similar. Always wondered where that expression came from.
It never ceases to amaze me at the meanness of people who manufacture viruses. And I do not understand them at all. Are they so devoid of human compassion and understanding that they cannot help but hurt others.
And, of course, when the porn site flashed on during the virus part, I knew instantly what was wrong. These sites are so insiduous. I look at a lot of stuff on the internet, none of it bad, but some, I suppose who are related to bad sites kind of sideways in ways I do not know. When I hit a site that is related to a bad one, I guess the bug comes through that sideways connection. Which means that I can really trust no one online unless I know them personally.
And once, a virus like that came through my internet connection through no fault or association of my own. It was the fault of the internet provider.
I hate it, but it is part of life. Kind of like coming out and seeing graffitti scrawled on your garage door. Or something like that. Sometimes people just get mean and there is no dealing with them.
Of course, what goes around comes around. You cannot build a good foundation on faulty building materials. In the end, and it may be all the way at the end, the good overcome and the evil fall. Sooner or later, people who plot evil get caught.
I sure am glad I am not one of those people.
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