Daily Java: For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.- Jeremiah 29:11-13.
This is one of those passages that is both comforting and frustrating at the same time.
It is comforting because I know that God has something in mind for me. He has plans for me and those plans are to give me hope and a future. That is great. God loves me and wants the best for me.
On the other hand, it is frustrating because I want to know what they are. I am burning time now in my life. At the age of 60, I do not have that much time left. If God has plans, what are they? When will they manifest themselves in my life? When will I know what they are?
It seems that my whole life has been waiting for God to show his plans to me. I have beat my head against his wall again and again. I would do everything and then I would realize that it is his will that I am swerving, so I would wait for him. But in both cases, it would seem that he would ignore me.
Then every once in a while, something would come that would show me that he was watching me and knew me. Almost dribbles of knowledge.
But I do not want dribbles of knowledge. I want to see him working in my life.
Of course, someone will say (without a bit of knowledge), you just need to have faith and to wait on him. You can’t push the will of God. He will do things in his own time.
And that is absolutely true. And I have. People who say things like that are good at parroting cloying aphorisms without thinking about what they mean. They just sound good and when they say them, they feel “spiritual.” They are on the order of the idiot pastor who told a woman that her husband died of cancer because she didn’t have enough faith. It was just something to say that took them off the hook and gave them feelings of spirituality. It also makes them feel superior.
But enough of that screed. That isn’t why I am writing this blog. I guess.
I want God to manifest himself in my new work in Lincoln. And I need him to do it soon. In six months I will be 61.
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