Listening to oldies on the radio. Beth, by KISS is on right now. A strange song for such an in your face group. I am still thinking about a comment made by a DJ on this station a few days ago. The Hollies had just finished Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress, and he said, of course, she’s in her 60’s now. It was almost as if a loud BOOM sounded. I knew that on one level. It has been 45 years since that song was big, but still. Quite a shock.
The time that passes for you in life goes so fast. And I am not ready for it to be gone so fast. Nothing I can do about it of course, but I am not finished. I always wanted God to say, well done, good and faithful servant, but I do not feel I have done enough for that to happen. Oh sure, I know he does not gauge us on quantity, but I am not finished. I need more time.
The folks at Lincoln asked me the other day when I planned to retire. I said I did not plan to do so. My ideal is to die quietly at home after a full day at church at an old age. 120 or 130 will do. That is all I ask.
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