I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:35-43).As Jesus hung on the cross, bleeding his life away, many around him taunted him and laughed. He was hung between two thieves, a snarky little comment by the ones crucifying him, trying their best to minimize him and his death. After all, if he is hung between two thieves, it is guilt by association, right?
One of the thieves took advantage of the situation and began railing against Jesus himself. The other recognized Jesus for who and what he was. He also recognized that he and the other guy deserved to be punished.
He called out to the other thief, let him alone. We deserve this. He doesn’t.
Then he looked at Jesus and asked would you please remember me when you come in your kingdom. I recognize you. You are the Messiah. Can you overlook my sinful life and just, if nothing else, claim to know me in that great day?
Jesus, through his haze of pain, looked at his fellow dying man and said, I promise you. Today you will be with me in paradise. It is not long until we both die and I will not forget you.
We are dying, all of us. We begin the minute we are born. And Jesus promises life. As we die, we have to recognize that need for life. When we do, we call out to God, through Jesus, remember me. Claim me. Know me. Love me. See me.
And when we do, Jesus says to us, through his haze of love, today you will be with me in paradise.
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