java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Monday, April 30, 2012

daily java

Daily Java:
So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son. (John 1:14)
Did it really make a difference if Jesus was human or just looked it? God could have done what he did no matter what the from of his messenger. For that matter, couldn’t he just send an angel with a Bible and an outline of what we needed to do. What was the point of Jesus?

For a missionary to really be effective, he has to become part of the culture he is trying to reach. Otherwise, he is just an outsider that doesn’t understand his audience. He is never able to reach their hearts completely.

When a missionary becomes part of his target culture, he begins to understand what makes them tick, how they feel, what they like and dislike. And he learns to like and dislike it himself. If he doesn’t he can never understand his target group.

God wanted to understand us. He wanted to feel the things we feel. As powerful as he is, he had never been tired. Or sweaty. Or hungry. He had felt grief but never as we do. He had never experienced the loss of a friend, or the touch of a mother or the discipline of a father. He had never been human.

Jesus came to bridge that gap. He felt all these things yet also felt God. Through him, God was able vicariously to experience all of the problems of a human, all the frailties of humanity. And in so doing, could understand us, his target group.

Jesus as what God would be like if God were human. He reacted like God would react. He acted as God would act. He responded to people like God would. and he did this because he was God in human from.

He was real. He was human, yet from a divine father. He learned how to obey (Hebrews 5:8 said: Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.). and all this without sin. Sin would have separated him from God like it did us, so he had to be both human and sinless.

But he did. And in so doing, opened the conduit between us and God so that once more we could touch God.

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