java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

daily java

Daily Java:
Then Jesus wept. (John 11:35)
Jesus’ friend Lazarus had died a premature death. Jesus came to Bethany, where he had lived with his sisters, Mary and Martha, to raise him from the dead.

All he had to do was say the words and Lazarus would be alive again. Everybody would be happy. Things would be fine.

But Lazarus was dead. Whatever had happened, we don’t know. Sickness, accident – something happened to kill him.

And as Jesus stood in front of the grave, it just got to him. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

When God made man, he made them – male and female – to be happy together and to be happy with him, to walk with him, be with him, live with him.

But instead, they went against the one prohibition he gave them. And because of that, he had to make them leave paradise. In leaving paradise, all of his plans for them were ruined.

Now they were sinful. And because they were sinful, he had to take them away from the Tree of Life, which enabled them to live forever.

Now they got old and died. He never meant for them to do this.

As Jesus stood before Lazarus’ tomb, this all goes through his mind. Lazarus was his friend, Mary and Martha were his friends. And they were in pain

So was he. Even though in a minute he would raise Lazarus back to life, still, the futility of it all came to him. The sorrow of death, the pain of suffering, the sadness of it all just overwhelmed him.

And he cried.

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