Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her. (Proverbs 31:10, 27-28 NLT).The Perfect 10. As Hollywood shows you, looks do not matter if there is nothing behind them. The Godly woman is beautiful in a way supermodels can never be.
Supermodels and Hollywood actresses have nothing but their bodies. And they know it. They do everything they can to keep that beauty even when they get old.
They know that their looks are their stock in trade. Without them, they do not have anything to sell.
The problem with being actors and actresses is that you absorb other characters instead of being yourself. And rarely do you see an ugly character on the screen.
So all of the characters are handsome or beautiful, well-built, people that do not look like anyone in reality.
But there is a flaw there. The beauty is only skin deep. And people watching begin to think that the beauty they see is what is real and want to emulate it.
But nothing is uglier than an old actress that has tried her level best through plastic surgery and Botox and everything else imaginable, but has failed.
I was looking at some pictures online the other day of older actresses that once were sex kittens. Once they lost their looks, they were gone. There was nothing else there.
It is firmly believed that Marilyn Monroe committed suicide because she could not imagine herself getting older. There was nothing underneath.
Proverbs 11:22 says, A beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout. Physically beautiful sluts are some of the saddest people. The beauty is treated as a commodity and displayed for profit.
Have you ever thought about the fact that a woman can take off her clothes in public and she will be arrested? If she keeps on doing that, sooner or later she will be considered mentally irregular.
But if she takes them off for a camera, people will pay $10 each to come watch if it is on the movie screen under the guise of a “story”?
The godly woman has more than that. She has the love of her family, the respect of her husband, her community respects her. And when she gets old – as everybody who lives will – she will become more beautiful.
The godly woman has something underneath that the physical 10’s do not. She has inner beauty. And she has the presence of God in her life which radiates.
Yes, it is hard not to look at a truly physically beautiful woman. But remember: she will get older and it is rare to see a truly physically beautiful desirable old woman. Women who try to remain that way become jokes and travesties.
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