java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Monday, March 11, 2013

daily java

Daily Java:
The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads. (Psalm 145:14)
Today was a bummer of a day. I fell a total of three times. Each time I fell, I hurt myself further. One of the falls, I came to on the floor and didn’t remember being there and I think I hurt my ribs, maybe even breaking one.

Each of the falls was strange. It was as if I had no legs or coordination. The third fall I broke open the scab at the back of my head where I fell at Target in Wichita last Friday.

And I hurt from them.

The day started off badly, too. I slept entirely too late, and after I got up, I slept in my chair until around four o’clock. I could not wake up. Then the falling began. I alternated between the falling and the sleeping the rest of the day.

I don’t know what caused it. I hope that it wasn’t the extra oxycodone I took last night and this morning. Ella thinks it was the added Morphine the doctor gave me the other day. I plan to cut down the morning Morphine and just take the smaller ones he gave me before.

Whatever the case is, I am tired of this. I have never really fallen before in my life and I do not like it. I am tall enough that falling takes me a long ways down and I always hurt myself.

Tomorrow I have to take Ella to the dentist and I cannot imagine driving. I hope I am better then.

Lord, take this plague of falling away from me. It hurts too much. I praise you. Amen

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