java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Friday, October 5, 2012

daily java

Daily Java:
“My people are foolish
    and do not know me,” says the Lord.
“They are stupid children
    who have no understanding.
They are clever enough at doing wrong,
    but they have no idea how to do right!” (Jeremiah 4:22)
I always read the news every morning. I do my Facebook devo, I read the Daily bible reading on, write in my blog if anything hits me. Then I go on the news pages on the internet and see what all happened while I was asleep.

It is usually depressing.

When I saw this verse this morning, it struck me. They are clever enough at doing wrong, but they have no idea how to do right. It seems the psalmist is saying that they have become so immersed in evil that they have lost the ability not only to do what that is right and good, but even how to do it.

When it comes to doing good things, they are helpless. Their minds automatically go in the wrong direction.

You don’t have to read very far in the news pages to see that. Horrible things are happening in our culture today and they are becoming commonplace. There doesn’t seem to be much shock value left in anything. There is nothing that can go on a movie or a TV program that we have not seen in the news.

And every new thing that comes along, horrible though it may be, becomes after a while commonplace. We look at these things and we analyze them and try to figure out why they happened. But many times they happen simply because people cannot think of anything else to do. They have lost the ability to do good things.

And when that happens, when that innate goodness is lost, there will be something that will take its place automatically. Evil will come in. after all, what is evil but the absence of good?

Its children, its adherents, when it comes down to it, are stupid. They have lost the ability, that God-given ability to discern what needs to be done and to do it.

Instead, they rob and steal and beat and kill and commit atrocities the like of which people only 50 years ago would not have been able to imagine.

It also seems that there is no end in sight. It seems that things will only get worse, that sooner or later there will come a breaking point and our society will degenerate into lawlessness.

Only by the Lord making a wholesale appearance and moving his Spirit over this world will it change. Oh, Lord, make that happen.

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