java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

daily java

Daily Java:
In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7)
There is an interesting observation coming out of the horrific shooting incident in Colorado. Three young men threw themselves in front of their girlfriends and took the bullets that would have otherwise killed the young women.

The blogosphere is amazed. In this age of post-normal stuff, how can a man allow himself to be killed to protect a woman? To those who have been raised on feminist claptrap, it is astonishing. I don’t know how many times I saw it talked about.

Chivalry is being mentioned again. But these acts go beyond chivalry. They go to self-sacrifice, they go to masculine protection, they go back to the whole idea of the man protecting the woman.

And it is frightening to some. They don’t know quite what to do. How can a man in our increasingly feminist culture possibly go back to archaic ideas, to out dated actions? Feminists have tried so hard to kill all of the urges and instincts men feel.

Yet in a moment of crisis they surge back, full force. Of the 15 people killed, three – 3 – were young men protecting young women. Against all their training for the past 20 to 30 years, they dove in front of the women to take the bullets for them, protecting them with their lives.

The Titanic was mentioned again in one post. In reality, a disproportionate number of men stayed on board to let the women go into the lifeboats. The movies do not want to show that, but it was true. The men protected the women. So many times throughout history, the same is shown.

At the theater in Aurora, Colorado, the men protected the women. They gave their lives so that the women could live.

That is exactly how God made men. And it is striking that no matter what the world may say, in moments of crisis, that trait that God so instilled in men came through.

I was in a Halloween House thing one year. I was the wild man in a cage. I was younger and looked fearsome if I say so myself. At one point a group of people came in (they were in guided groups) and I leaped forward, reaching through the bars (fake ones of course) snarling and growling. I have a good growl and it can frighten people.

When one group came through I reached out and growled and the young man reacted automatically by putting himself in front of his date, protecting her instinctively. I loved him for it. I admired him more than he ever knew.

I know I was fake and they were not in danger. But his first instinct, when confronted by a huge creature (I am 6’3” tall and have always weighed over 200 pounds, in addition to having a wild wig and makeup) coming at him, he automatically put her in front of him to protect her.

If I could have, I would have shaken his hand. She probably did not realize what he did. Maybe he was that kind of guy (it was thirty years ago before the feminazis came into power) and maybe he deferred to her a lot.

But even so, like it or not, that was how God made men: to protect their women. Put it any way you want, women are weaker than men.

I believe firmly and strongly that women have no place in combat or for that matter even in the police force. Men are to protect women. A woman who goes into that kind of job loses much of what made her a woman: the nurturing and loving side. I have yet to know a woman who was an active duty soldier or a police officer who had that real mothering ability.

Many disagree with me, but I believe it. Men protect and women nurture.

And as they used to say back in the sane old days, “Vive la difference!”

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