Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant (Galatians 6:7)If you put your finger in an electrical plug, you will get shocked. If you eat poison you will die. If you stand on a train track and a train is coming you will get hit.
These are all facts of life and most people know them. On the news the other day a thief was cutting up electrical lines for the copper and they were still live. He died because he was stupid.
But people do the same thing all the time. They eat too much and then wonder why they are overweight. They drink too much and wonder why their livers get bad. they spend all their money on goofy things and wonder why they are broke. A guy hits his wife and wonders why she doesn’t like him. Someone doesn’t do anything and wonders why he is broke.
What we do determines what happens to us. If we do bad things, we ought not to be surprised that bad things happen to us.
On the other hand, when we do good things, good things happen to us. We are kind to people and they smile back. We give things to people who need them and people help us. We act in love to our wives or our children or our neighbors and they like us back.
If you rob a liquor store, you go to jail. If you kill someone, you get capital punishment. It may seem like you got away with it for a while, but chances are you will get caught. The jails are full of people who complain that they are there, but they really know why. They did something wrong and got caught.
But the reason they got caught was not because they were careless or had a friend tell on them or didn’t plan well enough. It was because they did something wrong.
Jesus did nothing wrong, never sinned, yet he died. He died so that when we were being punished, we could know that God loves us anyway. And he died so that God, though Jesus’ sacrifice, would be able to forgive us.
We still have to go to jail, or even be put to death. After all, we still have to pay for what we did wrong.
But God forgives us. And as long as we do what he says, we will not have those bad things happen to us.
In him we have real freedom.
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