An adulterous woman consumes a man, then wipes her mouth and says, “What’s wrong with that?” (Proverbs 30:20)I read several websites every day that give me the news. I read both conservative and liberal.
But one thing I notice: when I read about crimes committed, the conservative news sites will bring out the fact that the people committing the crime don’t know why so many people are making such a big deal out of it.
They will have shot their mother, or robbed their grandmother to buy an X Box, or taken something from a friend, or gotten angry with a McDonald’s employee and injured them in some way. But almost always, they will have a reason.
His mother was always griping about him not taking his dishes to the kitchen when he got through eating. He finally got so fed up with her bossing him around that he shot her.
His grandmother had plenty of money and he wanted an X Box. She could afford it but refused to give it to him. So he knocked her out, took her money and went and got one.
The McDonald’s employee gave her fries that were not hot enough so she threw his hot coffee on them. It was their own fault for not treating her as she deserved to be treated.
In every circumstance, the person committing the crime felt entitled in some way and cannot for life of him figure why people are so mad.
There seems to be a total lack of perspective today. In the Proverbs passage, when the woman finishes eating the man, she cannot figure out why people are angry at her. I mean, she was hungry, you know.
Sometimes the most horrible crimes are committed and all the while, the defendant, who is clearly guilty cannot understand why such a big fuss is made. He was entitled to whatever he wanted, she needed what she took, the person was standing in her way and had no right to do so.
And we watch, both fascinated and appalled at the this creature, almost a monster, totally devoid of any human compassion or conscience, trying to rationalize what had been done.
People have always done wrong, people have always been sinful creatures, some of whom went far overboard. But it seems that, as our culture decays – and decaying it is – this becomes more and more common.
Our schools teach our children that they deserve whatever they want, that they are each unique and special and that life owes them things. Then when they become older, they figure that if they do not get the things they deserve, they can take them. And anyone who stands in their way is just being mean.
The whole Occupy Wall Street thing is this idea gone crazy. Those involved do not want to work, but instead want everything handed to them. And they will tear up whatever they need to in order to get it.
This is not the first country or culture to become this way. But it surely hurts to see this great nation fall into the toilet. May God have mercy on us.
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