java soaked theological philosophy and associated blather from a spiritual nomad


I am a man with a great love for my Lord, the church and her members, and for coffee, strong and black.
I also have a great love for writing.
Everything I say here is my own opinion. Why in the world would I hold someone else's opinion?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

daily java

Daily Java:
But Israel violated the instructions about the things set apart for the Lord. A man named Achan had stolen some of these dedicated things, so the Lord was very angry with the Israelites. (Joshua 7:1)
Israel was on a roll. They had conquered Jericho with little or no effort on their part. All they had to do was to give all of the stuff there to God and not keep any of it themselves.

A man named Achan kept a couple of things and Israel lost the next battle, one that should have been a piece of cake.

A small thing that no one suspected brought them down as a nation. It was only after they found him and dealt with his sin that Israel could start again on their road to conquest.

Small things can trip us up.

I just drove my van around. It has been broken since last October or so. It would not start. People have suggested everything in the world. it looked as though it needed $300 or more work on it. since I only paid $100 for it, I was understandably reluctant to pour a lot of money into it.

But I needed it. I have been driving the church van for the past several months and had to undergo an argument with the man who had claimed it as his own to get it. he was lying to me and the church about it so he needed to be through with it anyway, but still.

I found out one of our members is an almost professional mechanic. I didn’t know it and, quite frankly, never even suspected it. he came over and showed me that the battery was dead beyond reclamation and I had to get a new one. I put the one out of the church van into it and it started right up.

It almost made me mad. People have suggested everything, all of it expensive, but it was just the battery. Of course, I am finding out that batteries are a lot more expensive than they used to be, too, but even so, it is a lot cheaper than major automotive work.

He also jiggled a switch under the dash and the brake lights work again.

To me it is a minor miracle. To him it was just some stuff.

Such a small thing can bring an entire vehicle to a complete, absolute, useless stop.

Just like life or anything else. The main problems sometimes, in fact many times, are not big. But they will stop us anyway.

Thanks, Larry Cole.

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