Just imagine:
Unlocking doors; church interiors as public spaces in the city; worship installations staying up all the time; the local church building as an open-doored hangout; sofas, visuals, newspapers, books, food, drink; good coffee; ...plenty of places to plug in your laptop; opening hours 10am to midnight; spiritual resources and personal space available at all times; a place to work, rest and pray; the living room only bigger.
Rolling community – like the Cheers bar: as one set of characters leave another set arrive. All are connected by the bar staff [who themselves come and go] or one or two members who exchange groups. Everybody does some connecting in this way. The community is a network, not just a spoked wheel dependent on a few at the center.
said Pollyanna.
We actually had begun on this idea for a while and were even making plans to buy a storefront across the street from ours that had been a pet store. It had a group of apartments above where we would live. the bottom was 2 storefronts wide, one for a bookstore/coffee house (we were running a coffeehouse at the time) and the other as a worship facility. There were rooms at the back for a sound studio and counseling areas. But everything fell through.
It is one of those things that baffles you. Why did God give me the vision then yank it back? I may go to my grave wondering.
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