Daily Java: Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. (Hebrews 12:28).
We live in an uncertain world. You never know what company is going to be there tomorrow.
In the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey, it is interesting to see how many companies that the writers used for the year 2001 that were no longer there when 2001 actually came. Pan Am and Southwestern Bell were two that come to mind immediately. Nobody in 1969 when the movie was made could have possibly guessed that the mega-giant Pan Am would go out of business or that Southwestern Bell would be broken up into the mini-Bells.
A lot of things we saw as big and powerful thirty or even less years ago are gone now. Attitudes have completely changed, things that were acceptable no longer are, things that were unthinkable are now commonplace. Jobs that were lifelong and solid now are lost in a global shuffle. People with real talent cannot even find a job.
Because of that, we get to worrying. We have gone beyond what Alvin Toffler called Future Shock in his book of the same name and are into fear. Future shock was a symptom of older people who had seen society change so much it left them reeling. We are no longer reeling, just untrusting of anything.
It is easy to put that lack of trust on God. But we can know this. We do not serve a God who may or may not be there, and we are not in a kingdom that might to default, that is unsteady or uncertain. We serve El Shaddai, God Almighty and are part of the Kingdom of Heaven and even of his family.
We can know that he will always be there, always keep his promises, always love us. We are in the only unchangeable situation it he universe.
When God set up the kingdom, he set it up on the fact that Jesus was the son of God. That was the rock that Jesus talked about in Matthew 16:18 – on this rock I will build my church. His life and his ministry were the only sure things.
Now worship styles may change, translations of the Bible will change, ministries, ideas, everything we do will change. And there is nothing wrong with all that changing. None of that is real nor part of the gospel. It is all our part and changes with every culture.
Jesus on the other hand, is real and unchangeable. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). He will never change. His message will never change. His love and his grace will never change.
Matthew 24:35 says Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. God will never change.
And we praise his name.
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