In our lives, any time anything good happens, it seems that there is a bad thing ready to happen to balance it.
I don’t know why that is, but it seems to be true.
Today my gear shift lever doesn’t want to engage. It isn’t the transmission, I think. It is the lever itself. And it will not start at all in neutral like the older cars would because you have to make sure it is in Park to start.
It causes sadness where there should be joy. Oh, I know that God brings joy anyway. And I know that it is an old van with almost 200K on it. And I know that I only paid $100 for it.
But the Lord has not shown me a way to buy a newer one. And I absolutely do not have the money to pay to have it fixed. I owe money now to someone who didn’t fix something right before.
Probably it is a minor thing – just the lever’s engagement thing. I imagine it is small. But in my life it is huge.
I could take the church van. It would be within my rights to do so, but then the fellow using it wouldn’t have transportation, since he is using it ight now.
I do not know why the Lord allows this to happen. It just adds to the burden I carry and that Ella carries. I can figure out why he would allow it to happen to me, but why to her?
It would not be that hard for the God of the Universe to stop it or make it so I could get it fixed.
I recognize that I am not much to him in comparison to the rest of the world. The Bible clearly says that he is not a respecter of persons.
But it also says, ask and you will receive. It also says that he, as a Father, treats us better than we treat our children. That is in Luke 7:9-13. I don’t treat my children that way.
But I know that God is good. And I bless him because he is my God. And, again, I will ever serve him.
I just wish my transmission worked.
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